I've recently come across the World Building Checklist. I really want to work on building out the world my series (Codename: Wolf & Red) takes place in. I've decided to try and write some micro essays about each of the questions on the list. Do I expect to get through all of them? No freaking way. But I do want to try and address one or two each day. And even that sounds ambitious.
To start, I'll only list out the main topics of the world and then add on as I get to refining each section. I really want Silobe' to feel like a real place. I want to make each character have a rich background. Every time I have a background character I can't help but imagine the world they come from. I try to keep their descriptions short in the novel itself, but I've always had a thing for side characters.
The same goes for aspects of world building. I love figuring out how a fantasy economy would work or how a common language would develope. I'm getting really stoked about my development of the series I'm writing. Wolf & Red is a multi-book series with a plan for a novella duology prequal and a companion trilogy, but we shall see if my ambition is indeed hubris in disguise.